You Don’t Have to Completely Understand the Issue to Let Go of It

40th FCL 15


Many people have the same attitude toward relationship issues that they hold about certain vegetables (you know, like rutabaga) they were made to eat for their own good before desert could be served. They think they have to do the play-by-play of the event, hashing through each Rashomon point of view, BEFORE a resolution can even be considered. You don’t. Really. You don’t. You can acknowledge the jangle, tune in to anything you are currently experiencing, such as body sensations or feelings, and you can recommit to your essence intention or goal. NOT doing that is indulging victim-mind, making your familiar complaint more important than resonating with your beloved. Because, anything that is actually true will be present in your experience now if you just turn your curious attention to what is happening now. You don’t have to leave the present to excavate a past that will always be arguable, and often is, for decades. You can say something like, “I feel hot prickles behind my eyes and feel a wave of sadness.” Your partner responds however s/he does. Then you respond openly. And so on until you are resonating together again. Whether you turn on your personal “Groundhog Day” movie again and again or open up to juicy intimacy you recreate again and again is—your choice.

Read the full series: Our Biggest Relationship Wows

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