All Feelings are Flow


Wherever we travel in the world to share relationship explorations, people seem most interested, confused and befuddled by feelings. We even had a man specifically come for coaching to get us to perform a feeling-ectomy on his wife. He was convinced that if those pesky feelings could just be extinguished, their relationship would be hunky-dory.

Here’s some of what we’ve learned about feelings:
• All feelings come out of the same faucet. Your choice is to feel or not feel—that’s the menu.
• There are three feeling zones that get people into the most trouble when emotions aren’t noticed, welcomed and expressed straightforwardly—anger, sadness and fear.
• Most people have a teensy feeling vocabulary. The better you get at describing your feelings, the more present to you and connected to others you become.
• You can learn to love all your feelings. When you do that, you get way juicier, because emotions and life energy move through the same tracks.
• Becoming feeling rich makes you smarter and more intuitive. Emotions and body sensations are our inheritance from millions of feeling-smart ancestors.

And most lovely of all, befriending your feelings creates intimacy and discovery in your relationship. You get to continue letting your love in and letting your whole self be received. Façade or feeling—your choice.

Read the full series: Our Biggest Relationship Wows

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