Video Blogs by Katie

This section has been developed to house video blogs about different aspects of transformation, coaching, and the variety of themes that come up when considering human evolution. Please comment on what interests you and let us know what themes you’d like to see explored.



Video Blog: Letting Go of the Past


Video Blog: Shifting Victim Talk


Video Blog: Pattern Interrupt



Video Blog: How To Introduce The Microscopic Truth



Video Blog: Exploring Giving And Receiving Feedback



Video Blog: How To Integrate Body-Centered Shifts Into Your Practice (whatever your practice may be)



Video Blog: What are transference and countertransference, and what do I do about them?



Video Blog: The Power Of Presencing


Video Blog: Welcoming Polarities

Rather than swing between either-or with issues that emerge, you can use presence and breath to include and weave the best of the extremes that arise in life, both personally and in your work. Let us know how you experience this process and what else you’d like to explore.



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