Your Body Knows—Give Attention to More Than Your Thoughts!


One of our cats, Greta, loves to literally hurl herself at us in the morning to get attention. She’s so excited to have us up that she can’t contain herself and tries to climb up our legs or swoon back into one of us. She is completely open to contact and expresses full-bore. There’s no question about what she wants, which makes communing very easy and satisfying. When her little tank gets full, she moves off to tussle with her sister or settle on some clean clothes for a nap. We humans are born with that ability to learn to notice and follow body signals, but most of us get raised into a point of view similar to Thomas Edison’s: “The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.”  We’ve found that conscious relationships flourish when we listen to our body signals, especially when something seems “off.” If your body is hurling itself at you, it takes a lot of energy not to notice. When you notice and describe body sensations, you get more deeply connected with you and more intimate with your partner. When you don’t, you get distant. And you can keep learning about the fabulous frontier inside you lifelong—your choice.

Read the full series: Our Biggest Relationship Wows

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