Search Results: integrity

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8 New Integrity Deck Cards

Impeccable! The Integrity Deck – Sleeve of Eight New Cards

A sleeve of eight revised, updated cards for Impeccable! The Integrity Deck.

In 2022 we revised several cards in the deck to include more diversity. We also revised one of our Fear cards to match the new Fear Melter® Root.



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Impeccable! The Integrity Deck

We don’t have to be perfect to enjoy more love and success in our lives every day. We only need a way to realign and recommit to a personal state of wholeness. Integrity is an experience of harmony and alignment. When we are in integrity the structure of our lives is sound, and we can move with agility from a reliable foundation, enjoying all life has to offer. Each card in our Integrity Deck communicates an effective way to shift into embodied alignment with ourselves again when we drift off-course.


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Impeccable! The Integrity Deck (Electronic Version)

Impeccable! The Integrity Deck (Electronic Version)


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The Power of Integrity

One of our coaches put this chart together to relate the different aspects of coaching.  Note the purpose statement at the bottom of the chart.

Click HERE to download the Integrity Chart.

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Four Pillars Integrity Video Series Introduction Video


Tall Trees

The Four Pillars of Integrity Video Series

We have been exploring what we call operational integrity for several decades. The skills in these videos are all processes, actions that you can take as opposed to an idea…

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The Four Pillars of Integrity Video Series


Download the Four Pillars Of Integrity handout HERE.

Video #23: Healthy Responsibility IV: Here’s the best, simplest and most magical move in creating a response-able life. You can watch this video HERE


Video #22: Healthy Responsibility III: Do you know how to take 100% responsibility? This video explores what we’ve learned about stepping out of hero and into collaboration. (for inspiring 100% video). You can watch this video HERE


Video #21: Healthy Responsibility II: This video in the 4 Pillars series explores response-ability’s relationship to being transparent through the practice of openness to learning. If you or I am not defending, we get to step into the transparency of the moment, to choose partnering over policing, wondering over criticizing. See if the skills here expand your authenticity choices. You can watch this video HERE


Video #20: Healthy Responsibility I: Our experience has been that 100% responsibility is the ONLY attitude and practice that engenders joy, collaboration, creativity and freedom. If you’ve confused responsibility with blame and burden, you might find this video of interest. You can watch this video HERE


Video #19: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening VII: How do you know if you’re living in integrity? Would you like to become a stellar communicator? There are three skills in this video that delineate the magic moves the most effective communicators make. They’re probably not what you’re thinking, so take a look and try them out. You can watch this video HERE


 Video #18: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening VI: How can you get so familiar with and committed to authenticity that you speak honestly when it really looks like you’re right? How can you feel so transparent at your core that you source what’s deeply true under stress and when your buttons get pushed? Watch this video to see what we’ve learned about this invaluable skill. You can watch this video HERE


 Video #17: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening V: Imagine getting reliable body signals that let you know when you have something to communicate and knowing when you have shared the authentic experience you’re having. This video from our 4 Pillars of Integrity series explores how to open that magic gateway. You can watch this video HERE


 Video #16: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening IV: Join Katie for an exploration of one of the most powerful skills of the 4 Pillars of Integrity. What’s your relationship to when and how you tell the truth? How’s that working? What might happen in your life if you became the wellspring of authenticity everywhere?  You can watch this video HERE


 Video #15: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening III: Lots of programs teach effective communication from the perspective of organizing, preparing and delivering the optimum message. This skill from our 4 Pillars of Integrity video series focuses on noticing how your message is landing, not just what is going on inside you. Join Katie to explore the wonderful world of connected speaking. You can watch this video HERE


Video #14: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening II: In this new video Katie continues to explore the dynamic structure that the Four Pillars skills provide. She shows you how to actually say something that’s true, and how you will know if you really have. Plus you’ll hear the benefits of authenticity both for you and those with whom you interact and perhaps even collaborate. Contrary to the myth that truth hurts, truth liberates creativity and connection. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #13: Authentic Speaking And Resonant Listening I: This video discusses the central skill of speaking unarguably. What does that sound like, and what benefits can you experience from speaking this way? You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #12: Impeccable Agreements V: Do you know how to change agreements that aren’t working, or do you employ other strategies that decrease your aliveness and hamper your collaborations? You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #11: Impeccable Agreements IV: There’s a way to increase the power of your agreements that you may not have considered. Explore it here with Katie’s new video. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #10: Impeccable Agreements III How do you know what agreements really work for you? When do you say yes and no, and based on what criteria? Join Katie for continued exploration of impeccable agreements. You can watch this video HERE.


  Video #9: Impeccable Agreements II Step into one of the simplest and most powerful ways to expand your vitality and effectiveness at home and at work with this latest integrity skill about agreements. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #8: Impeccable Agreements IImpeccable agreements provide a powerful gateway to collaboration and accelerated impact in your world. Join Katie through this video to explore the practical skills that can increase your experience of ease and flow in your daily life at home and at work. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #7: Emotional Literacy VIAwareness is your greatest tool to be with feelings and find the open space of essence at the depth of any emotion. This is the sixth of our Emotional Literacy skills. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #6: Emotional Literacy VWhen you practice this particular emotional literacy skill, your connections and collaborations become deeper and richer. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #5: Emotional Literacy IV: Discover how to know the source of your feelings and inner experiences to claim your full presence and creativity in your life, relationships and work. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #4: Emotional Literacy III: Join Katie in exploring The Big 3, the emotions that can either trip you up or open a world of genuine flow, deep connection and easier manifestation. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #3: Emotional Literacy IIIn this video we’ll explore the benefits of a specific kind of emotional awareness, which boosts your creativity and allows your body wisdom to fully support your life and relationship goals. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #2: Emotional Literacy IEmotional Literacy is the first of the 4 Pillars we’ll be exploring. See if this skill adds to your experience of wholeness. You can watch this video HERE.


 Video #1: IntroductionYou can watch this video HERE.




Operational Integrity

This article brings our work into the organizational realm, allowing you to translate responsibility and authenticity skills for corporations and businesses. Enjoy. You can download the article HERE.

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The Leadership and Transformation Program

*Last Entry January 30, 2019* Please contact now to apply. Leadership and Transformation Program: From Mentoring to Mastery FACILITATING REAL CHANGE IN A CHANGING WORLD This whole program is…

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Body Intelligence Advanced Training 2024

Time zone and date don’t work for you? Please click for details. This is an online course meeting from 4 – 7pm Pacific on eight consecutive Thursdays: March 14, March 21, March…

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Creating Bliss Bodies

Unwinding Your Sex-Fear-Joy Tangles To Enjoy Full-Contact Living Freud was right, in a way. It IS all about sex. Most humans want deep contact that transcends everyday consciousness and enhances…

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Evolutionary Skills for Challenging Times: Body Intelligence & Conscious Loving, Germany

Our gathering this year will focus on the best practices that Gay and I have discovered in our forty years of living and working together. When societal structures shift radically,…

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Creating Relationship Miracles In Stressful Times: An Advanced Training For Couples, Singles and Professionals

This is a three session online course that meets from 5 – 7pm Pacific. The first two sessions are on consecutive Wednesdays: Wednesday, August 12, 2020, and Wednesday, August 19,…

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Reweaving the World 2.0

A year-long online class meeting on two Tuesdays each month from 9 – 10:30am Pacific September 20, 2022 – September 12, 2023 **NOTE: This course can be experienced as a…

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The Essentials: A Three-Day Live Online Seminar

This class will meet on three Saturdays: September 23, 30 and October 7, 2023 from 9:00am Pacific to 1:30pm Pacific. Learn the foundational practices of Conscious Loving and Living in…

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In the Field

  This is an online seminar meeting for fourteen Tuesdays from 9 – 10:30am Pacific: March 14, March 28, April 11, April 25, May 9, May 23, June 13, June 27, July 11, July 25, August 8, August…

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Conscious Loving Advanced Training, Fall 2024

This training is designed to equip you with the essential relationship-building skills we’ve developed during the past forty years. Whether you use these skills personally or professionally, you’ll find that you get stuck less often, shift more quickly, and spend more of your time living the relationship life you design by choice.

The Conscious Loving Advanced Training is highly experiential and life-changing for the participants. It was created for those individuals, couples and professionals dedicated to inspiring conscious relationships at home and in the workplace.

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Evolutionary Playground: New Paths to Change for Uncertain Times, Summer 2024

In Evolutionary Playground (EP), you’ll get out of the head-centric orientation that has skewed reality for several millennia, and into your whole-body creativity, where you can make your dreams real in your life. You’ll learn to use simple, powerful skills, backed by scientific research, that take you from “working on” your life to consciously creating your life.

EP is partly an adult playground where flow replaces struggle, and partly an unfolding of the new paradigm of body intelligence and co-creation. Evolutionary Playground opens up a new path through deep, experiential learning and discovery. You author your own map to create true love for yourself and others that you embody in your moment-to-moment choices.

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Presencing our Inner World 3/8/21

Today Katie explored the concept of emotional literacy through presencing our inner world and shared how our prejudice towards emotions causes a lot of the social-emotional challenges in our world.…


The Architecture of Agreements 2/22/21

Every Monday Katie shares an integrity skill from our Integrity Deck, a resource that you can use to deepen your commitment to authenticity, responsibility and appreciation. In today’s session, Katie…

Healthy Responsibility

Big Leap Bridge Class: Healthy Responsibility

Watch this recording of Healthy Responsibility: Creating Opening to Learning facilitated by Kathlyn Hendricks, Phd, BC-DMT.   Learn how to move from blame to wonder in this one hour class where…

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Learning Opportunities

Initiatives, Books, and Upcoming Events by Hendricks Big Leap Coaches   New Moon, New Choice: FREE body-wise monthly mentoring with Big Leap Coaches Dhira Brown and Kristina Turner! We gather…

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Testimonials Testimonials from seminar attendees, coaches, readers, and friends of Gay and Katie Hendricks. Aileen Hayden “I have encountered the idea that suffering is optional before – and this is…

Gay Hendricks and Katie Hendricks sitting at a table outside in their garden, looking at the viewer.

Big Leaps

Big Leaps If you are human, you have a calling: to take a Big Leap into your genius. Are you human? Great! Let’s continue … The Benefits of Big Leaps…

Katie Hendricks and Gay Hendricks


Relationships Why not take a conscious stand for joy in your close relationships? Our Approach to Relationships We created the relationship of our dreams through tiny moments of conscious choice.…

Gay Hendricks and Katie Hendricks smiling, wearing light colored clothing


Body We’re interested in welcoming a richer experience of life, enjoying a more integrated expression of creativity. Read on… Body Intelligence Seminars Body Intelligence Resources & Products Our Approach to…

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Evan Lange – Take Your Genius Out Into the World


Evan Lange, one of our coaches and Transformational Leaders, offers this gift to our coaching community to support taking your genius out into the world. Thanks, Evan!

Evan Lange:
The world has changed, and successful lies have failed. While the entire advertising industry flounders and sputters with its billions to figure out what to do about that, Evan Lange is providing his small business clients with the solution. Visit and see how branding and marketing with integrity are not only possible – they are the safest and most effective options for business today.

Click HERE to download Evan’s gift.


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Our Mission

We Envision A world in which all of us live in harmony of mind, body and spirit. Aligned inside ourselves, we live our lives in expanding waves of creativity and…

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Foundation for Conscious Living

The world is experiencing a huge shift. And we’re here to support it. Our Vision We’re working passionately to create a new world. One where … Each of us lives…

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Our Story

About Our Story Katie and Gay Hendricks’ Story Everyone is on a journey to love. Here’s a peek inside the love we share. Our meeting and connecting happened across a…